Student Editor
‘Sup, I’m Zujeily, and I’m the Student Editor here on the website. I’m quite the musical nerd, some of my favorite musicals are The Prom, Be More Chill, and Beetlejuice. My favorite song writer is Joe Iconis, without his music, I probably would’ve gone insane by now. I’m a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, and I can’t wait to show everyone some of my work. I’ll see you on the other side.
Angel A.
Student Creative Lead
Hey, my name Angel, A.K.A Kid Scorpion. I’m the Student Creative Lead of Olney El. Speaks and I'm in track, a fun and health club. I bet you are wondering about the Kid Scorpion thing, it's a superhero I created. I am very imaginative and I love Marvel. Their powers are so cool, like the X-Men, The Avengers and Fantastic Four. I love simple things like cartoons and SkyZone, but I also like weird things. I'm an animal person. For example, If I saw a sick stray kitten, some people would leave it to die, but I would pick it up a take care of it. I joined Olney El. Speaks because I like talking to people and I want to understand the Olney community better.
Hello! My name is Brooklyn. I have been attending Olney Elementary for about 5 years. I am 10 years old and proud of it. I like singing and doing art. All of my best friends have moved away over the years, but am still hanging on tight. I am not afraid to say what I am thinking, and I am happy. I gave you a lot of information about me, so go check out the other profiles of the Olney El Speaks team.
Hello! I’m Julianna. I’m in the fifth grade, I like math, not much of reading, and I really like computers too! I’m the youngest in my family, I have two brothers and three sisters. I have a dog named Basil, and a cat named Freddy. I like food, sleep, drawing, and animations!
I’m Vietnamese, same as my family. My favorite foods are Pho (a food from Vietnam made of noodles, beef, and green onions.)
Hi, my name is Keiry and I'm in fifth grade. My interest is drawing and reaching my goal to be a tiger in this school. I hope you are all tigers this school year. I hope this school gets love and respect. Signed Keiry.
Hi, I’m Malina. I have four siblings, and I live with my parents. I’m asexual and I love to do art. I don’t have a favorite color cause I like all pastel colors. I have one pet hamster named Snuggle. I’m Cambodian, Laos, and Thai (I don’t know how to speak Laos or Thai very well). I´m in 5th grade right now. I decided to join Olney El Speaks this year because it seemed like it was a great club to do. I'm interested in filming because editing video is fun and I like to post it so people can see my films. I like doing it because I want to see people laugh or happy. Most of all because no one in the world deserves to be sad.
Yo soy Karla. A mi me gusta el arte, leer y escribir mucho. Tengo 10 años y estoy en quinto grado. Me gusta estar en la escuela. Me gustan las matemáticas y la lectura. Cuando estoy en casa le ayudo a mi mamá. Le ayudo asear la casa y a cuidar a mi hermanita Alondra. Después me pongo a hacer mis tareas. A mi me gusta ir al parque con mi familia y me gusta jugar con mi bicicleta con mi primo Cristian. A toda mi familia le gusta bailar y escuchar música. Decidí unirme al equipo de Olney El. Speaks porque quiero decir que las actividades de la escuela son maravillosas. Nos dejan jugar mucho. Los maestros son muy divertidos y no son muy enojados. Por eso no me quiero cambiar de escuela. Esta escuela es fabulosa.
I am Karla. I like art, reading, and writing a lot . I am 10 years old and I am in fifth grade. I Iike being in school. I like math and reading. When I am at home I help my mother. I help her to clean the house and take care of my little sister Alondra. Then, I start doing my homework. I Iike to go to the park with my family and I like to play bike with my cousin Cristian. My whole family loves dancing and listening to music. I decided to join Olney Speaks because I want to say that the school ‘s activities are very marvelous. The teachers fun and not mean. I don’t want to ever change school. My school this is great.
Hello, my name is Melanie. I am capable of walking on my two legs like most of you human beings. My lungs have not collapsed like my mother’s, and I have not gone into cardiac arrest yet. I also rarely sleep. I’m probably going to get a heart attack. I really like art, so that’s nice. I like writing poems, so you might see that. Okay, that’s all. (My mom is fine, nothing happened to her.)