Student Editor
Hi. My name is Zujeily Angeles, my pronouns are ze/zir (ex.: “this is zir homework,” “ze is very nice,”), and I’m the Student Editor for the website. I’m in 8th grade, and some of my interests include drawing, writing, and listening to music. I’m one of the website club’s oldest members, so I’ve been writing for quite some time. I’m excited to be writing again! BLM!
Hey! My name is Lisa, I am in fifth grade and I’m ten years old. This is my sixth year at Olney. I love to do photography, especially taking pictures of water and sunsets. I use pronouns she/her and I’m demisexual. When I grow up, I want to be a photographer. I’m not sure what type yet all I know is that I love to take pictures! :) I also like to skateboard. I’m Cambodian and Chinese, but I don’t speak a lot of chinese. I love to watch anime, especially Pokemon! I decided to join this club because I love to do photography and I also like to write.
Hai! My name is Brooklyn! I am 11 years old and I love art and music! I support #BLM and I'm not that into politics or sports(unless its bowling). Im a simple person. Although, I do like some unusually weird stuff. Like, my favorite number is 7, my favorite letter is S, and I have an addiction to strawberries. Just imagine me on My Strange Addiction : Hello, My name is Brooklyn, Im 11 years old, and im addicted to strawberries. My favorite city is Brooklyn N.Y. (What a coincidence). But yeah, I hope im not to boring, so go read the other about me posts please?
Hi! My name is Cindi. I'm in fifth grade and I'm ten years old. My favorite colors are pink and black. I love soccer. I grew up watching it and playing it. I love to sing. It calms me down. It makes me feel free. My pronouns are she/her. I watch anime. My favorite anime is Darling in the Franxx. I have two brothers, one sister. My oldest brother is in Honduras and my sister passed away. My other older brother lives with me. My mom is from Guatemala and my dad is from Honduras. It makes me Hispanic. I decided to join the Website Club because I want to write about how people shouldn't be ashamed of who they are or insecure, and make people realize that they perfect the way they are.